
Reward for Outstanding Papers

In line with the philosophy of the institute for promoting qualitative contribution in research and academics, the conference has instituted rewards for the selected outstanding papers with a Certificate of Appreciation and Cash prize of:

RewardsCorporate/FacultyResearch Scholars/ Students
First PrizeINR 10000/-INR 8000/-
Second PrizeINR 6000/-INR 5,000/-
Best Poster AwardINR 5000/- and INR 3000/-

Registration & Submission Guidelines

Kindly submit your abstracts (200-250 words) at:
or by scanning the following QR code.

Registration Fee

Category Of The Participant

Early Registration

Final Registration

SAARC Countries

Delegates / Faculty Members/Industry Person (India and SAARC Countries) – Paper Presenters INR 1600/- INR 2,000/-
Research Scholar / Students (India and SAARC Countries) – Paper Presenters INR 1200/- INR 1500/-
Conference Attendee INR 500/- INR 500/-

Other Foreign Countries

Delegates / Authors US$ 60/- US$ 75/-
Research Scholar / Students US$ 30/- US$ 40/-