Library helps you in plagiarism free writing. You may submit any of your work for similarity check through Turnitin – anti plagiarism software subscribed by the library.
We provide remote access to our faculty and students to access our subscribed online resources from anywhere using the platform
Users have just to enter their official email ID and password to login into the platform and then they can use the available resources in the same way as they use in the campus.
The IP based resources can be accessed without any further ID and password. For resources that require separate ID and Password, use your already created ID and password.
Library helps faculty and students in getting such books or research papers from other libraries which are not available in our library. We use DELNET facility for the purpose.
You need to contact librarian personally for this purpose to ensure safe return of the books borrowed from other libraries.
Library prepares and circulate various newsletters under CAS service as given below:
Library ensures fulfilling all needs of its users under SDI services using own or ILL resources.