
Dr. Raj Kumar Ojha


Email: raj.ojha@jaipuria.ac.in
Location: Jaipuria Lucknow


Economic and Financial Analysis of Development Projects, Rural Development, Poverty, Women Empowerment

Managerial Economics, Macroeconomics and Business Environment, International Economics and Business

Dr. Ojha is an academician, consultant, and researcher with more than twenty-three years of experience in the field of consulting, research and teaching. At present, he is working as a Professor - Economics with India's Top MBA/PGDM Colleges in Lucknow named Jaipuria Institute of Management.

He attended a Short-term Course on “Industrial Organization and Policy: Contemporary Theory and Practice”, conducted by the Indian Institute of Technology, Kanpur July 16-20, 2007. He has completed many consulting assignments related to World Bank-funded projects in India. Some of them are Uttar Pradesh Sodic Lands Reclamation Project, Uttar Pradesh Sodic Lands Reclamation Project – II, National Agricultural Technology Project, and Uttar Pradesh Diversified Agriculture Support Project.

He was the Economist member of the Standing Evaluation Committee constituted by Uttar Pradesh Bhumi Sudhar Nigam for evaluation of activities of External M&E Agencies (from the year 2001 to the year 2006). He was also a Member of the National Level Team constituted by the Department of Agriculture and Cooperation, Ministry of Agriculture, Govt. of India to document the ITD component of NATP.

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Ojha, R. K. (2016). Women Empowerment through SHGs- A Participatory Assessment. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 3(6), pp 83-91.(https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sijp&volume=3&issue=6&article=011 )

Ojha, R. K. (2016). Agro-Economic Impact of Uttar Pradesh Sodic Lands Reclamation Project – A Micro level Study. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 3(10), pp 30-37.(https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sijp&volume=3&issue=10&article=004 )

Ojha, R. K. (2017). Impact of Artificial Insemination Centers Established under UPSLRP-III. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 4(4), pp 15-21.(https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sijp&volume=4&issue=4&article=002 )

Ojha, R. K. (2017). Local Self-Government in Rural Uttar Pradesh – Some Reflections. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 4(3), pp 51-59.(https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sijp&volume=4&issue=3&article=007 )

Ojha, R. K. (2018). Farmer Producer Companies in Uttar Pradesh – A Community Perception. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 5(2), pp  7-15.(https://www.proquest.com/docview/2280399897/fulltextPDF/675B7A23917E40A8PQ/4?accountid=81467 )

Ojha, R. K. (2018). Impact assessment of Ravine treatment in Uttar Pradesh. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 5(4), pp 20-30.(https://www.proquest.com/docview/2280406776/fulltextPDF/1C30ABB9DFE494EPQ/5?accountid=81467 )

Ojha, R. K. (2019). Building Social Capital through Participatory Management Approach. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 6(1), pp 30-42.(https://www.proquest.com/docview/2280400865/B63E8BDEC1014F2FPQ/6?accountid=81467 )

Ojha, R. K. (2020). Crop Diversification in Sodicity-affected villages of Uttar Pradesh – Before and After Sodic Land Reclamation. Splint International Journal of Professionals, 7(1), pp 7-12.(https://www.indianjournals.com/ijor.aspx?target=ijor:sijp&volume=7&issue=1&article=001 )

M, I., B, M., & Ojha, R. K. (2021). Examining the effectiveness of low-carbon strategies in South Asian countries: the case of energy efficiency and renewable energy. Environment, Development and Sustainability, 23(8), pp 11936-11952.(https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10668-020-01150-w )

Irfan, M., & Ojha, R. K. (2022). Foreign direct investment inflows and energy diversification in emerging seven economies: Evidence from a panel data analysis. International Journal of Emerging Markets, online first(), pp .(https://www.emerald.com/insight/content/doi/10.1108/IJOEM-09-2020-1137/full/html)

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