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What after CAT 2024?

CAT is over, the brain is drained, and the body is weak and ready to be SNAPped. But tell you what it has been an amazing experience, all those days and hours of work just went barging out and hopefully with a little bit of fate’s slight rumblings to assist we should all get where we ought to be. I reckon the draining element is purely due to the amount of anxiety that took over in the last stages and the way it was handled by the brain.

But you know what, I love the sleep and the food. Especially the fast kinds. I was off it, and I really felt good to be light in the belly all the time and the brain felt sharper but as we all need to keep ourselves abreast with what is around us, the few rounds of fast food that I had afterward has made my body, my mind, and my whole system happy and sprightly.

It is amazing how much of those ads and the regular visuals of the roadside joints and the food updates on Instagram and Facebook stays with us. Never letting go of the senses and constantly reminding of how that food tastes and feels. I guess the mind has to be trained in a similar way to look at management graduates of yore in the same way, keep looking, keep reading, and keep assimilating what has been achieved before.

A few days of break then back to the groove. SNAP is coming up. And of course, awaiting the results. So now to practice the art of articulation of what I know, what I am curious about, what I intend, and what I aspire to in the best way possible. B-Schools, here I come.

I think I will rejoice in these moments with my family, friends, and all of you out there. It is the day after. The jubilation of having done something well, after the humongous amount of practice and help and suggestions, is just way too good. I will leave the remaining words, feelings, mental blow-out, and all of that for you all to enjoy on your own instead of me bellowing out more sentences.

Wish you all Godspeed and bright and cheerful days ahead…

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