Deepti Mehra graduated from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow in the year 2005 with specializations in Marketing and Finance. And little did Deepti know during those days- what destiny had in store for her. “I was one of the most notorious students from Class 2005, really” says Deepti with an air of candour around her. “In fact, a lot of my professors still remembers me that way,” adds the alumna who was heading one of the most critical offices of the 100 crores revenue-generating consumer electronics company- Micromax & now working as General Manager Marketing at Digispice Technologies Ltd.
When Deepti was graduating as an MBA from Jaipuria Institute of Management, Lucknow, the world of advertisement had not really shifted to digital. The online revolution was approaching- but at a slow and steady pace. There were a lot of things that had to be tried, understood and tested “and I trained myself personally. There were no electives around Digital Marketing those days in MBA schools. Yes, we had very amazing professors in Marketing but the space was still dominated by newspaper, television and radio primarily, states Deepti as she begins to explain how her typical day at work as a looks like.
“It is a false notion that you need to be an engineer to understand technology. If you have to do justice to any new technology and as a matter of fact, any brand absolutely- you simply need to have the power of imagination in you; a foresight or empathy towards your consumer. And that’s exactly what we followed at Micromax when we sat down to create a product or strategise its marketing plan,” explains the girl who had once been the heart beat behind various successful events hosted by Jaipuria, Lucknow during her MBA days.
So how does a campaign really see the light of the day? “Well a lot goes behind the fabulous ads or the heard-hitting copies that you see across the country and overseas when top brands are concerned,” answers Deepti while pulling out some great advice for student aiming to gun high in the world of advertisements and PR. “Keep the pulse of the market in mind when you think of the kind of communication you want for the product at hand. For instance, if you are launching a new mobile, try to understand what might excite your customer about the new phone- is it the screen? Is it the ROM? Or the RAM? Or the battery life of the phone? And then- get into drawing the campaign. As to what you want to say to add to the excitement.” However, the task does not end there. “You have to then figure out the platforms or catchment areas. In case of digital marketing- the channels are varied. Facebook, Twitter, LinkediIN, Youtube, Snapchat, Amazon, Flipkart, Snapdeal, so on and so forth. You need to choose your platforms properly because your RoI depends massively on this part of your campaign. And this the number driven part and needs a lot of pre-calculated metrics. However, things become easier as you keep gathering experience,” concludes the Deepti Mehra, General Manager Marketing at Digispice Technologies Ltd.