Aseem Bansal, PGDM Batch of 2018, Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida talks about his dream placement with Godrej & Boyce
Aseem Bansal had to go through six rejections till he could make it to his dream company- Godrej & Boyce. “I had few brands in my mind when I had joined Jaipuria Institute of Management, Noida in the year of 2016 for my PGDM. Godrej & Boyce was one among them,” mentions the dreamy eyed, young man who is all set to make his big professional leap in a matter of few months. According to Aseem, now that he reflects back, the failures were taking him closer to his success- one step at a time and “my professors kept my morals high, throughout.”
This July, 2018 Aseem would be starting his professional career from the office of Godrej & Boyce as a Sales Trainee. His job responsibility would require him to increase the business, expand the market and bring results through enhanced sales numbers. And does Aseem feel prepared enough for these new roles coming his way? “Oh certainly! Last two years, we have been subjected to very rigorous and experiential learning modules. Especially the Industrial Development Programme (IDP) helped me immensely to understand my core strengths and weaknesses, which I further harnessed to illicit the best result that I could,” answers Aseem with confidence. No wonder, he could keep a lot of students staggering behind him in the pool campus recruitment of Godrej & Boyce where there were students from 8 other colleges and campuses. Aseem was among the 7 successful ones who got selected!
“The Godrej & Boyce selection process is a very competitive one,” illustrates Aseem. After students submit their CVs, they are vetted diligently by the company. The selected candidates are called for the Aptitude Test, followed by an extensive written one. Once you make it through these three strenuous screening sessions, finally your turn arrives for the final interview with senior professionals of the company. Of course, getting into a 121 years old company cannot be easy!
With some help from faculty and the pre-placement prep that involved activities such as- regular mock training sessions (aptitude training, GD and interview practice), Industrial Development Programme (IDP) and frequent interactions with the industry experts, Aseem left no stone unturned to ensure he realizes his dream. “I called my mentor Prof (Col) A K Rajpal almost instantaneously when I received the news of my selection! Without his support in my academics and all the pre-placement training, the journey would have been half complete,” says Aseem with a lot of positivity and determination.
So what does he mean to do with his first salary? “I am not very sure but I am definitely going to give some money in social service. I have been made aware of my Corporate Social Responsibility in these last two years of PGDM and am not going to forget about it so easy,” smiles and concludes the Jaipuria, Noida PGDM graduate- Aseem Bansal.