Ranjeeta’s placement happened pretty late in the placement season, but she is more than happy about it.
“I’ve been placed with theEGO Group of Companies, which is one of the biggest dealers of Wooden Flooring, Wall Decor, and Furniture for corporates.As a Business Development Executive, I have been assigned to EGO’s franchise concept store,DESIGNER SPACE, in Andheri(West), Mumbai.”
Endowed with a natural artistic temperament, Ranjeeta took very little time to get a hang of the Wooden Flooring and Wall Decor section. Her daysareoccupied with ‘cold-calling’ interior designers and decorators, with the aim of fixing meetings to make presentationsonEGO’s product line.Ranjeeta is also responsible for handlingwalk-in clients at Designer Space, when she is notvisitingprospective clients to make presentations or take the business forward.
“Currently, I am studying all the catalogues in Wall Coverings and Wooden flooring to get a thorough product knowledge. While this helps in cold-calling and making pitches, it is also something which I find deeply interesting. My seniors are very supportive and help meto understand the technicalities of the industry.”
Ranjeeta recalls that the two-round recruitment process at EGO could’ve been difficult, but her ready humour and deeply creative nature – encouraged at Jaipuria, Jaipur- made it a cakewalk.
“The first round was with an HR representative of the EGO Group, on the 26th of April 2013 and the second round was a Skype interview with the one of the company’s directors on the 27th of April.The first round of interview was based on a form, which we had to fill before the interview. The form consisted of questions pertaining to our personal details, our own SWOT analysis, where we saw ourselves after five years, why the company should choose us, details of prior job experience and achievements. Thanks to the in-depth sessions at Jaipuria Institute of Management, my answers were specific and in bullet points.I did not go into too much detail, so that I could have aces up my sleeve during the interview round.”
Ranjeeta’sHR round was elaborate in questions but short – just 10 minutes – in duration.The most important question for her was “Two words that define you”.
“I answered “Creative” and “Friendly”. I was able to elaborate by showcasing my achievements, like being the‘Decorating Coordinator’ for national level events like Annual Sports Meet 2013 and ABHYUDAYA 2013,the Jaipuria annual fest, at Jaipuria, Jaipur. There were some other questions – like “Do beautiful girls make better salesmen?” -which could’ve been tricky, but thanks to our soft skills training and interview training at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur, I turned this into an advantage. I explained that while beauty makes the initial process easier, what ultimately matters is the bigger picture. Without hard work,dumb beautiful girl can’t bring in sales;sales needserious hard work. So ‘Beauty with Brains’ is what really matters.”
Right through her interviews,Ranjeeta was able to answer every question, bringing in examples from her tenure at Jaipuria, Jaipur. Be it her summer internship at Dish TV India Limited – where she had to roam around the city and interact with DTH brand retailers– orher five-day training in BIG BAZAAR, where she had to deal with customers, explaining the Payback card scheme at Big Bazaar, she used all her prior work to her advantage.
“Last but not the least, I was given an imaginary detergent brand and asked to find a distributor for it. This is something that is well taught at Jaipuria, Jaipur.I replied by creating a blend of online and offline methods, and primary and secondary data – mainly on the internet – that would help research the real market.”
Ranjeeta attributes her successful placement to the continuous motivation and counselling by her faculty, the efforts of her placement committee, and her loyal friends and peers at Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur.
“At Jaipuria Institute of Management, Jaipur every placement is a team effort,” says a happy Ranjeeta.